Go to your favorite online bookstore or news site (i.e. CNN, Google News, etc.) and simply type in whatever topic you want to research. You will find that you can glean additional knowledge on about just about anything you desire by looking closer at the results of your search. You can gain a substantial amount of insight:
• from the book (or news article) titles themselves
• by reading the articles or snippets of the books returned from your search (these are often provided)
• by reading the book reviews, publisher synopses, or reader comments
• by reading the tables of contents and index (if provided by the online bookstore of your choice)
Then, if something looks particularly interesting or valuable to your research efforts, you can quickly order those books you feel will be most helpful.

Tip: These simple tools can provide you with an efficient way to gain fresh insights on the thorniest and most specific problems you are working with.

P.S. Try varying your search keywords when you do this kind of research. You will be pleasantly surprised how refining your choice of words and phrases (or changing their ordering) can yield different results.

Source: institute of Management Consultants – USA